LIPE wood-chip trailers
Woodchip trailers LIPE is the mark of quality recognized among transport companies in Scandinavian countries. High level of reliability combined with maximum volume of goods transported and low maintenance costs ensure the best effectiveness in use. The reliability of woodchip trailer is a result of high quality of the whole process: detailed development of the construction, technology, materials assemblage and further operational easiness. Such approach to understanding the quality is one of the base factors characterizing production of LIPE woodchip trailers.
Chainload / + hydraulically opening sidewall
Side-tipping / + hydraulically opening sidewall
Systems of chain or side-unloading of flowing goods are used within transportation of free-flowing goods, such as woodchips, sawdust, bark, peat and wood-pellets. All LIPE trailers are equipped with hydraulically opening cover for fast load of free-flowing goods. Unique construction of hydraulically raising side-wall provides the possibility of using trailer for transportation of other goods of different sizes.
Wood-chips / timber trailer
Used LIPE wood-chips trailers
Dowdload used LIPE wood-chips trailers in PDF file. USED_LIPE.pdf
The trailer must be ready to transport loads 24/7, bringing in such a way the best profit for its owner. Exactly this way our clients are using LIPE trailers. At this point the reliability determines payback for investments and further profitability. High level of reliability combined with maximum volume of goods transported and low maintenance costs ensure the best effectiveness in use. The best evidence for it is a high demand and price level on used LIPE trailers.